Saturday, November 21, 2009

Third Friday

Last night was our third  3rd Friday since we opened Jump In.
But it was the first 3rd Friday that it did not rain!!
The Artist's Consortium and Jump In Studio had a steady flow of people all evening. Sue and I had a great time meeting so many people. We enjoyed the opportunity to spend some time getting to know several of the talented artist's who display their work in the gallery.
It was such a hectic evening that I didn't take any photos once things got started. Just this one, and I got so many comments from folks admiring these beautiful violets from my BFF Barbara Carter. Thank You Barb! They're really lovely.


Things to do before it gets too cold.. Rusting fabric in the backyard.

Scarves in progress

Here they are on the drying rack.

On the table during the first stage of the process- the initial printing.

Printing in the studio

Screen set up using found objects.

Sybols screen ready to print.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jackets & Scarves

Offered for sale in the studio this month: Our Lady of Guadalupe Jackets; "Rune" pattern Scarves